Pig Production Down for 10th Consecutive Week
CHINA - The parity between pigs and grain has been lower than the breakeven point for pig production for 10 straight weeks due to consistent drop of pork prices, according to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).A survey by the NDRC showed that prices of pigs, piglets and pork had respectively slumped by 14 weeks, 15 weeks and 13 weeks running. On 7 April, the parity between pigs and grain dipped to five to one, the 10th straight week for the parity below breakeven point of six to one.
Pig prices have begun to rise recently boosted by the government's reserve policy, according to TMCnet.com. The price on 14 April gained 1.2 per cent than that a week earlier, the first price rise in the past four months. However, pig production is still suffering losses.