EUROTIER - Show Moved Modern Agriculture Forward
GERMANY - The number of visitors reached a record of more than 140,000 livestock farmers and specialists from all over the world. Of these, 23,500 were international visitors, and BioEnergy Decentral was a resounding success, say the organisers.EuroTier 2010 reflects the optimistic mood in the sector. This was the conclusion drawn by the organizer DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft – German Agricultural Society) at the close of this international exhibition for animal husbandry held at the Exhibition Grounds in Hanover from 16 to 19 November 2010.
More than 140,000 visitors came to gather information about machinery and equipment, installations, genetics, farm inputs and services for modern animal husbandry, as well as about potentials in the field of bioenergy and decentralized energy supply – a record attendance figure as reported by DLG. Visitor numbers are thus about eight per cent up on those for the last event. With this result, EuroTier has further consolidated its position as the world's top event for animal production. BioEnergy Decentral has become successfully established as the leading exhibition for bioenergy and decentralized energy supply.
The following preliminary conclusions can be drawn:
- The number of exhibitors has increased by eight per cent. Altogether 1,939 direct exhibitors and 28 additionally represented firms from 49 countries presented their programmes and innovations. The high contingent of foreign exhibitors accounting for 40 per cent clearly underscores the international status of EuroTier.
- With over 140,000 visitors, EuroTier 2010 was the information platform for future-oriented investors. This high level of interest reflects the positive mood among farmers.
- Livestock farmers are now setting their agenda for the future. As a survey of visitors conducted by an impartial market research institute shows, around 60 per cent of the visitors plan to invest. This high level shows that business farmers will continue to put every effort into developing their operating concepts. EuroTier 2010 with its comprehensive information programme has provided orientation and guidance for them here.
- Some 23,500 international visitors from 78 countries came to the exhibition. This represents an increase of about six per cent. EuroTier has thus consistently consolidated its international position in the cattle and pig segments. The largest detachments of foreign visitors came from the Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Finland, the United Kingdom, Russia, France and Ireland.
- For cattle farmers, EuroTier offered a programme unique in this concentration. It was more extensive than ever before. One of the special attractions was the TopTierTreff. This is the international marketplace for top genetics. Another magnetic draw was the DLG Special entitled 'Dairy cow fertility' organised jointly with Faculties of Veterinary Medicine, advisory organisations and exhibitors. It provided graphic illustrations of ways to improve fertility management.
- Pig farmers and specialists found innovations and solutions for developing the future of their farms at EuroTier. The Special 'Sow well-being – in group housing' presented by BFL (Bauförderung Landwirtschaft – an organisation devoted to promoting agricultural building construction and optimizing livestock management conditions) and DLG proved to be a top source of information concerning the group housing of pregnant sows stipulated from 2013 onwards.
- One of EuroTier's hallmarks is the world's largest programme covering the areas of feed and animal health. The global networking of these segments was impressively documented by the high international character of exhibitors and visitors. The congress of the bpt – the German Federal Association of Practising Veterinarians – being held at the same time as EuroTier demonstrates the close partnership between professional animal husbandry and veterinarians benefiting animal welfare.
- The aquaculture sector is consolidating its position. The expert exhibitors and a comprehensive forum programme catered to the special need for information on the perspectives of this production sector.
- The Young Farmers Day on Thursday is integral part of EuroTier. Over 5,000 young farmers and students from Germany and abroad were attracted by the various events on this day. The Young Farmers Party, a sell-out this year too, once again brought the day to a successful conclusion.
- BioEnergy Decentral at EuroTier, developed jointly with VDMA Power Systems and with support from the association of municipal utilities (VKU), was a resounding success. The programme presented by 550 exhibitors from 20 countries met with exceptionally high interest. Some 42,000 specialists visited this exhibition, including nearly 7,000 international visitors.
- As a global forum for decentralized energy supply, BioEnergy Decentral brought together the various partners in the market for forward-looking and sustainable energy supply. The exhibitors' portfolio was complemented by an extensive technical programme, with forum events and the Specials 'Energy from wood chips' and 'Biogas from sugar beet'. At the grand platform of the industry for decentralized energy supply – the BioEnergy Evening – some 600 representatives from the fields of industry, trade, academia, politics, municipalities, public utilities and bioenergy regions, as well as many farmers and forest managers discussed the further development of bioenergy and decentralized energy supply.
The next EuroTier with the World Poultry Show and BioEnergy Decentral will be held in Hanover from 13 to 16 November 2012.