Genesus Sends Breeding Stock to South Korea

SOUTH KOREA - Genesus has been chosen by several swine breeders to replenish their genetics following the foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreaks.
calendar icon 6 May 2011
clock icon 2 minute read

The FMD in South Korea has devastated the breeding stock industry in that country. Genesus which is the world's largest producer of high-health registered purebred swine has been chosen by several swine breeders to replenish their genetics.

Several thousand Genesus Durocs, Yorkshire and Landrace are scheduled to be air freighted in the coming months, all coordinated by Genesus exclusive Korean agent for the last five years Mr Roh of Dong-a-tech.

Genesus customer, Jeju Island Pork Association (50,000 sows), with Genesus Principals
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