Genesus Breeding Stock Sale to Russia Announced

CANADA - At the Canada-Russia forum held on 1 June in Ottawa, Canada’s Agricultural Minister Gerry Ritz in the presence of Russia’s First Deputy Prime Minister Victor Zubkov announced the largest sale ever of High Health Registered Swine breeding stock to Russia from Canada.
calendar icon 21 June 2011
clock icon 2 minute read

Jim Long, President-CEO Genesus Inc., Canada's Ag-Minister Gerry Ritz, Kubanskiy Bacon's owner Vasily Tolstopiatov and Mike Van Schepdael Vice-President Genesus Inc.

Kubanskiy Bacon's new swine barn facilities in Russia.

"During the Forum, Ritz announced that the Manitoba firm Genesus Inc. conducted an agreement to ship 4,100 live swine to Russia in a deal worth $5 million“ Feedstuff’s Ian Elliot – 6 June 2011.

Jim Long President-CEO Genesus Inc. was a speaker at the Forum on the behalf of Canada’s Swine Industry.

"Genesus has previously sent several thousand breeding swine to Russia. Our co-operation with Kubanskiy Bacon to establish a jointly managed nucleus-multiplication system is a natural development for Genesus’ growth in Russia. Genesus is deeply committed to evolving a genetic program in Russia that mirrors the excellence of Genesus’ North American system" said Jim Long.

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