PRRS Project Needs You!
CANADA - At a recent county pork producer meeting, the Ontario Swine Health Advisory Board (OSHAB) gave an excellent presentation on the PPRS project that is running in Ontario.PRRS
is the number one profit robber which can
cause large production and financial losses on
any size pig operation.
Currently there is no magic bullet or special fix
to eradicate this virus. The Ontario pork industry
through the Ontario Pork Industry Council
(OPIC) and OSHAB has come together to look
at ways to help solve the PRRS problem. Individual
Ontario producers can help move this
project along by signing up for the database
mapping. This spring several producer groups
have committed to sign on to the project. They
have realized that the cost of living with PRRS is
not a bankable solution in their operation.
For more information on how you can help
with the PRRS project please contact Dr Jane
Carpenter at [email protected] (519)
767-8700 or talk to your veterinarian.
Further ReadingFind out more information on PRRS by clicking here. |