Novel Influenza A Viruses Detected in Indiana
US - Four human infections with novel influenza A viruses were detected in Indiana. The four persons were infected with an influenza A (H3N2) variant virus similar to those identified in the 13 human infections that occurred between July 2011 and April 2012 in Indiana (2), Pennsylvania (3), Maine (2), Iowa (3), Utah (1) and West Virginia (2).According to CDC, none of the four persons were hospitalized and all have recovered.
All four persons reported close contact with swine prior to illness onset. Public health and agriculture officials are investigating case contacts and sources of exposure; no additional confirmed cases have been detected at this time. Additional information on these cases can be found in the MMWR.
CDC is required to report all cases of human infection with novel (non-human) influenza viruses – including influenza viruses of swine origin – to the World Health Organization (WHO)External Web Site Icon as part of the International Health Regulations (IHR)External Web Site Icon.
Domestically, CDC reports these cases in this report and on its website. Early identification and investigation of human infections with novel influenza A viruses is critical in order to evaluate the extent of the outbreak and possible human-to-human transmission.
Additional information on influenza in pigs and variant influenza infection in humans can be found here.