New Circovac Pack Size Now Available
GLOBAL - Merial Animal Health has launched a new pack size of its successful Circovac PCV2 vaccine for sows and piglets.
The smaller pack will treat five sows and gilts or 20 piglets and is in addition to the existing 25 sow dose or 100 piglet dose presentation.
Nick Munce, Pig Business Development and Technical Manager for the UK and Ireland, says: “This new pack size give producers added flexibility and reduces waste. Piglet vaccine users in particular will benefit as they’ll be able to purchase a more precise number of doses required for any batch.“
Mr Munce says that whole herd vaccination has a number of benefits that can help provide a return on investment.
He says: “The PCV2 virus is proven to damage sow performance and has been linked to abortions. For sows, as well as gilts, PCV2 vaccination has a number of clear economic benefits. Piglets born from vaccinated sows have a higher weaning weights and continue to grow quicker resulting in fewer days to slaughter. Also vaccinated sows have a better reproductive performance. Research carried out in the UK showed that vaccinated sows produced almost one extra piglet per litter."
“In the light of all the current evidence, vets and producers need to consider a strategy for PCV2 vaccination which takes into account the whole herd including sows and gilts, not just piglets,“ says Mr Munce.
The pack sizes for Circovac® now available provides added flexibility for producers with a proven solution for the treatment and prevention of PCV2 virus.