FDA Widens Irradiation Use for Meat
US - In two new rules, FDA is offering additional options to meat and poultry producers who use ionised radiation to kill pathogens in products.In the first rule, Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is amending the
food additive regulations to provide for
the safe use of a 4.5 kilogray (kGy)
maximum absorbed dose of ionising
radiation to treat unrefrigerated (as well
as refrigerated) uncooked meat, meat
byproducts and certain meat food
products to reduce levels of foodborne
pathogens and extend shelf life.
In a second rule, FDA is amending the
food additive regulations to increase the
maximum dose of ionising radiation
permitted in the treatment of poultry
products - from 3.0kGy to 4.5kGy - to include specific language
intended to clarify the poultry products
covered by the regulations, and to
remove the limitation that any
packaging used during irradiation of
poultry shall not exclude oxygen.
These actions are in response to a petition filed
by the US Department of Agriculture,
Food Safety and Inspection Service
The rules became effective on 30 November 2012.
Electronic or written objections and requests for a hearing may be submitted by 31 December 2012.
In the US, all meat that has been irradiated must be labelled according to FDA requirements.