National Program for Swine Feed Efficiency
US - Check out a new website for US swine producers. The National Program for Swine Feed Efficiency is funded by the USDA and hosted by Iowa and Kansas State universities.The project overview states: "Sixty-five thousand US pork producers earn
more than $16 billion annually from hog sales.
Feed is their largest cost, representing 55 to 60 per cent
of the total cost of production. The US pork
industry requires more than 42 million tons
of feed at a cost of about $8.5 billion. During
periods of high feed prices, for example in 2012,
the total feed bill is closer to $17 billion.
The nationwide whole herd feed conversion rate
(kg feed/kg pork; breeding stock included) is
~3.0:1. Each point change (e.g. 3.00 to 2.99) represents
140,000 tons of feed/year which was worth
$56 million in 2012. Utilizing existing knowledge on improving feed efficiency is critical to the long term
competitiveness of the US pork industry and for
improving the sustainability of food supplies.
"Our long term goal for this project is to increase
nutrient utilization and feed efficiency, to
strengthen the competitiveness of the pork
industry, and to reduce its demand on grains
and proteins, through focused and integrated
initiatives in both research and extension.
"Completion of the objectives will improve our
understanding of the factors that control feed
efficiency and assist in developing tools to select
animals with superior feed efficiency. It is also
intended that information derived from this
project will be proactively shared with the pork
industry through extension activities. These advances
will enhance feed efficiency at the farm
level and thus contribute to increased global
food security and sustainability."
The site is host to sections on Research, Decision
Tools, Publications, Presentations and Events.
The Decisions Tools has seven interactive feed
calculators, pictorials for proper feed adjustment,
guidelines for particle size and more.
The site has lots of very good, practical information
that any size of operation can use to help in
achieving the goal of enhancing feed efficiency.