Pork Conference to Unite Producers, Veterinarians, Academics
US - Purdue University Extension and Indiana Pork are teaming up to host the third annual Southern Indiana Pork Conference and offer an update on the latest news in the pork industry.The free, daylong conference will be on 20 March at the Schnitzelbank Restaurant, 393 Third Ave., Jasper. Lunch will be provided by Indiana Pork.
Kenneth Eck, Purdue Extension educator in Dubois County, said swine producers, veterinarians, and pork buyers and packers should attend to learn about and discuss issues key to the swine industry.
"We're trying to get three groups together - Indiana pork producers, Purdue academia and Indiana veterinarians - to talk to each other about what issues are most important to them," Mr Eck said.
He said farmers in southern Indiana are particularly interested in new livestock regulations because Dubois County leads the state in livestock production. The conference will include discussions about changes in, and updates to, production, economic and environmental factors.
Topics are:
- "State Fertilizer and Manure Regulation Changes" by Julie Stephens, Office of Indiana State Chemist.
- "Tyson Animal Welfare Audit Program - What, How and Why?" by Ed Tice, Tyson Foods Inc.
- "Can New Supplemental Enzymes Improve Pig Performance for Diets High in By-Product Ingredients?" by Brian Richert, Purdue Extension swine specialist.
- "State Regulatory and Legislative Issues and How They'll Affect You" by Josh Trenary and Spencer Morris, Indiana Pork.
- "Exploring Changing Consumer Preferences for Pork Production: Purchasing Behaviors and Perceptions in 2012" by Nicole Olynk Widmar and Melissa McKendree, Purdue Extension agricultural economists.
- "Local Health Concerns - A Veterinarian's Perspective" by John Baker, Warrick Veterinary Clinic.
- "Pork Quality Assurance Plus (PQA+) Certification" by Kenneth Eck.
Reservations are requested by 13 March to the Indiana Pork Office by calling 317-872-7500. Contact Kenneth Eck at 812-482-1782 with questions about the conference.