Salmonella Detected in Swine Herd

NORWAY - On 18 February, Norwegian veterinary institute FSA confirmed that it detected salmonella (Salmonella Virchow) in samples from a swine herd in Romerike.
calendar icon 27 February 2013
clock icon 2 minute read

FSA has implemented measures to prevent infection and fight the disease.

Salmonella is a group B disease that can infect humans. The Salmonella type that was detected is among the most common causes of salmonellosis in humans.


The FSA has taken extensive sampling in the current lineup to see how many animals have been infected. If Salmonella is detected in contact herds, affected animals will be euthanased and there will be more extensive sampling of animals over time. Livestock have been washed and disinfected.

Earmarking of infected herds will only be abolished when infections are no longer observed in animals or the environment in which they reside.

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