Mexico Shows Potential to Excel as Global Pork Producer, Says Secretariat
MEXICO - Mexico has the potential to become a major player in the global pork industry, according to Francisco Gurria Trevino, general coordinator of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA).Mr Trevino said in recent years, the budget for the pork sector sector has grown three-fold, but this is not reflected in improved competitiveness or in the production platform, or in actual integration of all stakeholders in the livestock production chain.
Mr Trevino said that for this reason, SAGARPA, along with the country's pork producers, needs to work closely with the government and implement regulatory and budgetary schemes that contribute to building a stronger infrastructure, better market conditions as well as transparency and timely attention.
On the issue of health, he said that the lines of action need to be strengthened in the short term, in order to obtain recognition of the quality and safety of Mexican pork worldwide.