Business as Usual for Ukrainian Meat Company
UKRAINE - The Board of MHP, a leading meat company based in Kiev, says the company is operating as usual throughout the country.On 6 March, MHP's Board of Directors met to evaluate current situation in Ukraine and its impact on operational and other activities of MHP and its facilities.
Despite challenging political situation in Ukraine, the Board and the Company say they would like to confirm and assure their partners, investment society and other stakeholders, that all production facilities across all regions of Ukraine work on a regular basis, wherever they are located.
Taking into account challenging situation in the Crimea, where four MHP facilities are located - meat-processing plant, poultry farm, cattle and pig farms and a fruit company - it says there are no difficulties or disruptions either in operations, or with employees and their security.
In general, MHP operational and financial activities are running according to the company's strategy, plans and budget.