Ceva Hosts Second Biotech Innovation Day in the US

US - Ceva’s Global Biology Industrial Team recently held its second 'Together, Creative Innovation-Day' at its US biology campus, in Kansas City. Developing partnerships is a key part of Ceva’s 'Together, beyond animal health' vision; as a result five leading industrial groups were invited to share their best bets for innovation, which could generate value for both parties.
calendar icon 1 May 2014
clock icon 3 minute read

NNE Pharmaplan, GE Life Sciences, Ecat, Enwave and IMV presented new technologies, equipment and process improvements to 70 industrial managers from Ceva’s seven biology campuses (located in Hungary, the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and China).

NNE Pharmaplan, a silver sponsor, presented their innovative biotech solutions and how these could potentially fit into Ceva’s biological production needs.

GE Life Sciencesis already involved with Ceva as a supplier in filtration, cell culture media and serum, and micro carriers. This was the second time that they participated in Innovation-Day and this year their presentations focused on gamma irradiated micro carriers, Xcellerex single-use fermenters and bioreactors, and the recent acquisition of HyClone, worldwide cell culture media and serum supplier. GE Life Sciences was also the Silver Sponsor of the event.

Enwave, the Vancouver–based Corporation shared with Ceva their very innovative industrial scale dehydration technology solutions that can be applied as an alternative for freeze-dry technology used in biological production.

IMV delivered a fascinating presentation on freezing technologies that could be used in vaccine production units.

Ecat, a worldwide supplier of hatchery and laboratory automation equipment has a strategic alliance with Ceva and focused on emerging automation technologies and egg handling systems.

“The idea of inviting selected partners to discuss potential innovative collaborations was first tested in Budapest last year and proved to be a big success. Participants were invited according to their degree of innovation, R&D investment, ability to bring us worldwide solutions and their willingness to collaborate for the long term,” explained Thierry Le Flohic, Ceva’s Global Biology Campuses and Industrial Operations Director. Proof of this success lies in the fact that Ceva now has long-term projects with three of the five suppliers invited last year.

“After 20 years of rapid growth, Ceva is now recognized as the innovation leader in poultry vaccines. We now want to apply the experience we have gained to swine vaccines. This challenge will be made easier if we can capture our suppliers’ capacity for innovation and then use this for the greater satisfaction of our customers,” concluded Arnaud Bourgeois, Ceva’s Biology Business Unit Director.

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