Biosecurity = Bioexclusion + Biomanagement + Biocontainment

CANADA - One component of the biosecurity formula is bioexclusion, according to Genesus. Bioexclusion, also known as external biosecurity, involves preventing the introduction of new diseases into a population from an outside source.
calendar icon 16 June 2014
clock icon 3 minute read

Common bioexclusion practices include entry gates, human downtimes, bench entries, showers, quarantine barns, inlet filters, supply decontamination rooms, etc. One bioexclusion practice that has gotten a lot of attention during the last year is transportation biosecurity. Rightfully so.

The New Players

In March I wrote an article entitled 'PEDV Update: New, Unrelated Strains Invade US Swine', addressing Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDV) and Swine Delta Coronavirus (SDCV). Judging by how fast the viruses were able to spread, our industry was definitely not ready for how contagious these viruses are. It is critical to understand what you are up against. After a year of demanding our industry’s full attention, we have learned a lot about these viruses but we still have a long ways to go.

Washing Trailers

The emergence of PED and SDCV has resulted in a rejuvenated attention on transportation biosecurity. How are trailers actually getting washed? Where do we wash trailers? What disinfectants are best? What is the best temp/time ratio to dry trailers? What is the most practical temp/time ratio to dry trailers? Are we doing everything right to prevent contamination of clean trailers prior to the next loading? Are we paying attention to the tractors too? How do we verify the trucks and trailers are clean? Do our drivers understand how contagious these “bugs” are? I can assure you we have addressed all of these questions.

Genesus Committment

When we think about transportation biosecurity our first goal is to keep sick pigs off of our trailers. No known PRRS, PED or SDCV stock are ever loaded onto Genesus-owned trailers. Our truck washes are carefully selected locations that are committed to our level of excellence. We audit the washes to verify that their process meet our goals. Our trailers are flushed, washed, disinfected and dried. Our trailers are then inspected by a third party and swabbed for PED and PRRS. If the trailer passes the visual inspection they are sealed and that seal is not to be broken until the trailer reaches the source farm. This process is not cheap but it is our commitment to our customers. The key is not in the protocol, but the execution.

Our company and drivers are committed to delivering your elite genetic stock, whether it is in North America or around the world, in the safest way possible.

“If biosecurity does not inconvenience you in some way you are not doing it right.”

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