More PED Outbreaks in Japan
JAPAN - Porcine epidemic diarrhoea (PED) are continuing sporadically across the countryIn Chiba prefecture, in the east of Japan near Tokyo, 160 pigs succumbed to PED at three farms, reports ChibaNippo. According to the local animal husbandry department, these farms have not had the disease before.
Also in the Greater Tokyo area, Saitama prefecture had an outbreak last week affecing 19 pigs, reports Saitama-NP. As a result, pigs at 127 other farms in the area were checked for signs of PED.
Fourteen farms in Miyakonojo in Miyazaki Prefecture were confirmed with PED outbreaks last week, according to Nishi Nippon. This is a region in the most westerly main island of Japan, Kyushu.
Also last week, Mainichi reports that Aomori prefecture reported what may be its first case of a recurrence of PED. Aomori is located at the northern tip on Honshu island.