More Research Needed into Seneca Valley Virus
CANADA - A Veterinary Epidemiologist with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development says more research is needed to help identify strategies for dealing with Seneca Valley Virus.Following the PED outbreak two years in Ontario a PED response team was created which included representation of the Alberta government, Alberta Pork, large processors and transporters and swine veterinarians.
That initiative was subsequently expanded to include the other three prairie provinces and the team meets by conference call once a month.
Dr Julia Keenliside, a Veterinary Epidemiologist with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, told Alberta Pork's March telephone town hall Wednesday a recently added topic of discussion has been Seneca Valley Virus.
Dr Julia Keenliside-Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development:
Seneca Valley Virus is a virus that causes blisters around the mouth and the hooves of pigs and it looks like Foot and Mouth Disease which is a scary disease but Seneca Valley Virus itself is not a reportable disease.
It doesn't cause major health issues in pigs. It just looks like Foot and Mouth Disease.
We've not had any cases here in Canada of the blisters but they have had cases in the U.S.
What's concerning people is they're not really sure exactly how the disease works.
This one is quite different than PED in that with PED if you've got the virus you get the disease in pigs.
With this one it appears that the virus can be detected in the environment but we don't always see the disease.
So there's a lot to be learned about this one and we really aren't sure how it's spread or how the blisters show up and so more research is needed on this one.
Dr Keenliside says Seneca Valley is now being discussed, how do we develop policy and how do we manage blisters in pigs, especially if we know it's due to Seneca Valley as opposed to a foot and mouth virus.