Rising Pig Prices Inidicated for Coming Weeks

IRELAND - The pig trade remains relatively positive this week, but a number of processors have attempted to take heat out of the rising market, according to Tom Hogan, Chairman of the IFA Pigs Committee.
calendar icon 23 March 2017
clock icon 3 minute read

While southern processors remained steady after increasing quotes by 4c/kg last week, processors in the midlands, which had been driving the upward price trend, attempted to reduce quotes to some pig suppliers. Deals were being done for spot loads of pigs for up to €1.72, with €1.70 being the general run of prices received this week.

Hogan commentated that all market indicators pointed towards a steady, to rising pig price over the coming weeks and months and said there was absolutely no reason for any processor to lower quotes. Pig farmers have only just returned to a profitable margin in recent weeks, after over 18 months of loss-making pig prices.

Ireland’s percentage of the EU price has improved and is currently 106 per cent of the EU average price as reported to the EU Commission for the week commencing 06/03/2017.

Factory pig throughput in Republic of Ireland export plants for the week ending 11 March 2017 was 63,212 head which was 4,713 head more than the previous week and 43 less than in the corresponding week in 2016. Slaughtering’s in ROI export plants is -2.5 per cent behind the same period in 2016.

Export Plants: Top prices on a flat rate basis </= 172cent/kg in Karro, </=170/kg in Dawn and Staunton’s and </=168 cent/kg in Kepak and Rosderra.

Pork Slaughters: The price range is </=160 cent/kg.

Sows: 95 – 100c/kg DW.

Weekly Slaughterings: Week-ending 11/3/2017 Pigs: 63,212 Sows: 1,385


Irish price €1.64kg

EU–27 average price €1.54kg

(Grade E pigs – 55 per cent to 60 per cent lean meat excluding VAT but including transport and bonuses).

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