Demand for Pigs Set to Intensify Over Coming Weeks
IRELAND - The Irish pig price has remained stable for another week, according to Chairman of the IFA Pigs Committee, Tom Hogan.The recent run of short working weeks has made procurement managers task of filling the weekly kill that much easier.
That said, the recent bank holidays have not led to any build-up of finished pigs on farms, with a number of the main processors very anxious for pigs, and competition to secure sufficient stock set to intensify over the coming weeks.
Quotes from the main export processors remain in the range of €1.68/kg- €1.70c/kg with the majority of deals being done at the upper end of this range.
Deals up to €1.74c/kg were reported as being paid for spot loads and lighter pigs. The positive prices increase across the EU over recent weeks has left the Irish price lagging behind the EU average.
Mr Hogan called on all pig processors to follow these markets trends and return more to farmers with increased pig prices.
Ireland’s percentage of the EU price has improved and is currently 96 per cent of the EU average price as reported to the EU Commission for the week commencing 17 April 2017.
Factory pig throughput in Republic of Ireland export plants for the week ending 22 April 2017 was 51,972 head which was 11,486 head down on the previous week and 12,178 down on the corresponding week in 2016. Slaughterings in ROI export plants are -2 per cent behind the same period in 2016.
Export Plants: Top prices on a flat rate basis </= 170cent/kg in Karro, Staunton’s and Dawn, </=168-170 cent/kg in Kepak and Rosderra.
Pork Slaughters: The price range is </=170 cent/kg.
Sows: 105c/kg DW.
Weekly Slaughterings: Week-ending 22 April 2017 Pigs: 51,972 Sows: 1,638
Irish price €1.64kg
EU–27 average price €1.70kg
(Grade E pigs – 55 per cent to 60 per cent lean meat excluding VAT but including