Pilot Testing of Canadian Pork Excellence Wraps Up
CANADA - The Manager of Producer Services with Sask Pork says final adjustments to the new Canadian Pork Excellence Programme are now in the works, Bruce Cochrane writes.Pilot testing the Canadian Pork Council's Canadian Pork Excellence Programme, the Canadian pork industry's new on farm food safety and animal care assurance programme, has now been completed and officials are evaluating feedback from producers and validators who participated.
Harvey Wagner, the Manager of Producers Services with the Saskatchewan Pork Development Board, notes the was a few things that participants found were difficult.
Harvey Wagner-Saskatchewan Pork Development Board
There's an emphasis in the new CPE, on the PigCare and the PigSafe, to have more training done for people working in the facilities, in the barns, to make sure that they know what they're looking for and how to actually do some of the tasks and record some of the tasks that they're doing.
That was probably the biggest challenge because there's requirements in the programme for training although we're still right now working on some of the training modules so there was a bit of a gap there.
It definitely helped inform the group that's working on the training process what needs and what they'd like to see.
There's some other smaller issues on the food safety side and there's a few other small things.
Learning a new format is always a challenge too because the format of the programme is a little different.
Once people get into it though they seem to get it so, for the most part, it's been not too bad although there's always anxiety when you have a new programme and change is always a challenge so we'll have to be working through that.
Mr Wagner says the animal care and food safety technical groups are now evaluating the feedback and will make any final adjustments prior to approval of the programme by the Canadian Pork Council Board of Directors and ultimately implementation.