EU Pig Prices: Most Markets Balanced; Not Many Price Changes
EU - This week, the European slaughter pig market appears to be balanced overall. The majority of quotations remain unchanged, appearing stable on the level achieved so far. In some countries, the prices for pigs for slaughter are back to going slightly down.Unchanged quotations have been reported from Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Austria. The quantities of live pigs on offer remain quite manageable in these countries. However, demand for pork appears to be rather sluggish. Exports of pork towards Asia are not as satisfying as they were previously. Resulting from that, pricing also is somewhat limited on the European live animals market.
Quotations related to pigs for slaughter from Denmark and France recently proved to be decreasing slightly. In Great Britain, the quotation has been going down too. Because of ham imports from Spain, the French pork market continues to be under massive pressure, despite the low quantities of live pigs on offer. Campaigns which have already been announced for food retail are supposed to be able to cause the market get relieved.
Trend for the German market:
Compared to last week’s news, the situation has not changed on the domestic slaughter pig front. Sub-standard quantities of pigs for slaughter on offer are being marketed swiftly and without trouble. The conditions are expected to remain balanced.
(Source: ISN - Interessengemeinschaft der Schweinehalter Deutschlands)
1) corrected quotation: The official Quotations of the different countries are corrected, so that each quotation has the same base (conditions).
2) These quotations are based on the correction formulas applied since 01.08.2010.
base: 57 per cent lean-meat-percentage; farm-gate-price; 79 per cent killing-out-percentage, without value-added-tax