Hipra launches Smart Vaccination across their full range at ESPHM 2018 for total vaccination control

Hipra announces launch of Radiofrequency Identification across their full vaccine range and worlds first IOT intramuscular vaccine administration device 'HipraQnect' at ESPHM 2018, completing their Smart Vaccination offering for total vaccination control.
calendar icon 17 May 2018
clock icon 3 minute read

ESPHM 2018 in Barcelona opened for Hipra with the public launch of their complete SMART VACCINATION concept that offers a connected world of services for total control of the vaccination process.

The development of HipraQnect the world's first Internet of Things (IoT) intramuscular vaccine administration device means that complete SMART VACCINATION is available across the full range of Hipra vaccines.


SMART VACCINATION is Hipra's revolutionary concept offering vets and producers total control over the vaccination process. It involves Hipra's three interconnected elements:

  1. Smart Vaccines
  2. Smart Devices
  3. Hipralink® data reporting and analysis

Smart Vaccines

At ESPHM 2018, it was announced that every one of Hipra's vaccines will progressively introduce a radiofrequency identification (RFID) tag giving each vaccine a unique ID.

Smart Devices

  • HipraQnect® - world's first IoT intramuscular administration device
  • Hipradermic® - first intradermal needle-free device to incorporate a 360º RFID antenna

Both devices transmit data on the quality, location and time of the vaccination by reading the vaccines unique RFID. The inbuilt SIM card ensures that there is complete flexibility of location without the need for internet signal, so no down time.

The devices offer much greater control and confidence in the vaccination process. They will detect and prevent the use of vaccines that are out of date or the administration of doses that are greater/lower than the recommended for the vaccine.

HIPRAlink® vaccination

HIPRAlink® Vaccination is a data reporting and analysis tool that takes the information created from the vaccination sessions and turns it into practical data to control and manage the efficacy of the vaccination process. One can monitor at a single-site or multi-site level, the number of doses delivered, number of pigs vaccinated, time taken, whether the full dose was administered or not and even the staff member responsible.

With HIPRAlink® Vaccination, the farm manager can manage vaccinations from either the website, tablets or smartphones. This means that the vaccination process can be planned and managed from anywhere at any time.

Ultimately, the Smart Vaccination concept gives greater assurance and confidence that all animals are receiving the correct vaccine and the ability to compare performance from across sites.

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