Genesus Global Market Report: France August 2018
Hog Market : the summer rise has not taken place (yet)
by Philippe Mallétroit – Director for France
This year the average price is 1.221 €/kg carcass weight for the first part of the summer season (week 27 to 32) against 1.478 € last year over the same period, a 0.257 €/kg difference.
This year, over this period, pig producers lost about 24 € per head compared to last year.
After 6 markets without any increases, price has been established at 1,225 € per kg (+ 0.002 €/kg) at the last market of August,16.
Let's hope that the pork price rise in France will continue in the upcoming weeks, like it has been the case for several weeks with our German neighbors (1.55 €/kg at market of August,15).
Everyone knows that, in general, prices remain higher over the summer period until the end of September before falling very often in the fall.
As the summer season is not over, maybe we can still hope for a price who will continue to increase in the upcoming weeks. Let's hope so.
Harvest 2018
According to Agreste, the statistics department of the Ministry of Agriculture, the 2018 harvests for wheat and barley are down 4% compare to last year's harvests.
Wheat production would be 35 million metric tons for this year with an average yield of 7,11 tons per hectare (7,37 in 2017).
For barley, the estimated production would be 8.71 million metric tons with a yield of 6,49 tons per hectare (6,48 in 2017).
This could be the main cause of the feed price rise in the in the last recent weeks.
Let’s see what will happen with corn harvesting, which is not coming under the best skies because due to hot and dry summer this year.