Santa Catarina passes bill for wild boar control

There are thought to be more than 200,000 boars in the Brazilian state
calendar icon 14 December 2023
clock icon 2 minute read

Following a recent vote, the Legislative Assembly of the State of Santa Catarina has authorised population control and sustainable management of European boar in the region of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The bill is referred to as PL 393/2023.

The matter was approved with an amendment presented by Deputy Marcius Machado, which requires the authorisation of the owner, lessee or owner of the property to carry out the control of the animal on the rural property.

According to authorities, the persecution, slaughter and capture of the European wild boar (Sus scrofa), followed by its elimination, are seen as acceptable measures for population control and sustainable management. The control can be done by hunting, traps or other methods approved by a competent environmental agency.

According to the author of the project, the objective is to combat the overpopulation of wild boars, an exotic, invasive species without natural predators, which has caused damage to Santa Catarina agriculture. The situation, authorities said, worsened following the suspension of new wild boar hunting licenses by Ibama last August.

"The boar has been reproduced exponentially," said deputy Lucas Neves. "According to Cidasc, we have more than 200,000 in Santa Catarina. We are looking for a way to regularize this population control, based on the Federal Constitution, which allows us to have state legislation in this regard."

Camilo Martins (Podemos) said that the authorisation addresses the needs of farmers who have lost crops to wild boars. "We cannot fail to regulate this issue, which brings immense damage to agriculture," he said.

At the end of the debates, PL 393/2023 was approved by 25 votes yes, four no and one abstention. The bill will go through the vote of the Final Drafting before proceeding to the governor's analysis.

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