Tech Talk: Topical tips for better pig health
Tech Talk is produced by the Meat and Livestock Commission (MLC) on behalf of the British Pig Executive - Improving pig health and productivity was the hot topic at a Society of Feed Technologists (SFT) conference. The feed sector is a vital element in the pork production chain and conference delegates were presented with new information on nutrition and management in support of industry-wide objectives for sustainability and progression.In collaboration with the Meat and Livestock Commission (MLC) and the Home Grown Cereals Authority (HGCA), the SFT conference delivered a raft of practical information including the following:
Production trial 1 of the Finishing Pigs
Systems Research programme has already
shown that substantial benefits in gut
health and pig performance can be
achieved through liquid feeding compared
with feeding dry pellets.
MLC Senior Pig Scientist Dr Jayne
Thompson, said: "The second trial went on
to show that savings of 9p per kilo deadweight
were made by including co-products
in a liquid feeding regime."
These are some of the findings from a
Defra/BPEX-funded research programme
taking place at the Stotfold Pig
Development Unit (PDU).
The work has been co-ordinated by MLC
Pig Technical Manager Dr Pinder Gill and
delivered through the collaboration of a
large team of experts from the Acorn House
Veterinary Surgery, Liquid Feeders Research
Group, MLC, SAC, Silsoe Research Institute,
Stotfold PDU, Universities of Newcastle,
Nottingham and Plymouth, and the VLA.
Feed-related factors have been linked to the
non-infectious diarrhoea syndrome in growing
pigs known as non-specific colitis (NSC).
Poorer growth rates associated with diarrhoea
mean that NSC could be costing producers
as much as £5 per affected pig.
Dr Jill Thomson of
SAC gave delegates
an update on
research towards the
control of NSC.
Funded by BPEX, the
SAC study showed
that the processing
method (for example,
higher temperatures
and longer conditioning
times) rather
than feed ingredients
per se, was the major
factor associated
with NSC. Work continues
towards identifying control measures.
Diseases prevailing on a farm present a particular
challenge for incoming livestock.
Infectious agents such as Swine Influenza
virus (SIV), Porcine Respiratory and
Reproductive Syndrome (PRRS) virus and
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) are
widespread on many pig units in the UK and
can cause a reduction in performance, particularly
where incoming stock has had no
previous exposure to these diseases.
Alasdair Cook (VLA) gave a report on
recent research conducted by BPEX, MLC
and the RVC on the incidence of disease in
breeding stock entering the herd at either
30kg or 90kg and compared their performance
over three parities.
Findings indicate that there were no
important significant differences in health
or production parameters between the two
groups, although age of gilts at purchase
might still be an important consideration,
particularly on units of higher health status
or on PRRS-free units.
Health management and control of disease
is critical to the success of a modern pig unit.
E. coli, for example, can cause major problems
in piglets after weaning and the control
of Salmonella is of vital importance, not
only for pig health but also for food safety.
Dr Andy Rycroft (RVC), reported on the
results of a BPEX-funded study at Stotfold to
identify effective points in controlling disease
risk on pig units and to investigate the
effectiveness of cleaning regimes.
The study showed that breeding pigs can
be a source for introduction of new
Salmonella strains.
The effects of cleaning, however, were
variable. Coliforms (such as E. coli) were
removed to levels below detection in many
cases while in others they persisted, particularly
in corners of the room where physical
cleaning was more difficult.
Drinkers were a problem site where disease-
causing bacteria could survive.
However, this became less notable as the
study progressed, probably because staff
paid extra attention to them once they
realised they were a risk point.
Reducing contamination through cleaning
and disinfection can only ever be a part
of an overall strategy, but there is a clear
need for attention to detail in making sure
resources aren't just poured down the drain.
Concerted efforts on those hard to reach
places can make all the difference for a successful
cleaning and disinfection programme.
Source: British Pig Executive - November 2004