United Kingdom Pig Survey - 2004
By Defra - This release gives provisional estimates of pig numbers in the United Kingdom derived from the June 2004 Agricultural and Horticultural Censuses run by the UK agricultural departments. Comparative figures for June 2002 and June 2003 are also shown. These early figures are provisional and have been produced to meet the requirement to supply estimates of UK pig numbers to the Statistical Office of the European Community. Whilst they give an indication of trends, they are subject to amendment as later survey responses come in.These early results for June 2004 compared with June 2003 show that:
- the breeding herd fell by almost 3 per cent
- the number of gilts expected to be used for breeding rose by over 6 per cent
- the number of fattening pigs was unchanged
UK Provisional Pig Results
(a) The estimates cover registered holdings only. There is a degree of production
which is not included in these estimates (eg on unregistered and temporary holdings).
(b) Weights are liveweight.
* Based on unrounded figures.
Totals may not necessarily agree with the sum of their components due to rounding.
To read the full report, including tables (PDF format) Click here
Source: Defra - August 2004