Long-Term On-Farm Water Capacity Encouraged
ALBERTA - The Alberta government has created a new Alberta Farm Water Source Program (AFWSP) to encourage and support the development of long-term water capacity on Alberta farms.By developing drought-proof reliable water sources that have long-term capability for on-farm activities, the AFWSP will help to build a more competitive and sustainable agriculture industry in Alberta.
Completed projects for on-farm wells, dugouts, dams and spring developments are eligible for AFWSP grants through Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. Grants for this cost-shared program will be limited to $5,000 or one-third of the project costs; whichever is the lesser amount. Total program funding available is $1 million.
Applications will be processed on a first-come first-served basis, and those meeting the AFWSP criteria will be awarded grants as per the grant framework and available funding. Grant applications for projects completed from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008 may be submitted until the application deadline of January 15, 2009, and will be accepted based on the grant funding available at the time of application. Projects must be completed before an application is made.