Interest in US Feed Grains Grows in Viet Nam
VIET NAM - The Council hosted approximately 120 commercial swine producers for the Swine Industry Symposium in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, this week.The symposium’s objectives were to educate commercial swine producers on key managerial and technical issues. According to Adel Yusupov, USGC regional director in Southeast Asia, the potential for feed grains demand in Viet Nam’s commercial swine sector is tremendous.
He said, “An average backyard pig consumes about 110 pounds of corn, whereas commercially produced hog consumes 441 pounds. We can double corn feed demand by educating commercial swine producers on proper swine nutrition, farm management, record keeping, disease prevention, reproduction and genetic improvement. I am very excited about DDGS prospects. The usage is increasing. September imports were at 37,000 metric tons and October imports are estimated at 40,000 tons. This is a very exciting market to work in!“
The Council brought six consultants to the symposium. Dr Robert Thaler, USGC consultant in attendance, said, “The symposium’s attendance was higher than anticipated and participants indicated a real interest and need among Vietnamese swine producers for technical information. With the rapid growth of the commercial swine sector, there is tremendous potential for US corn and DDGS.“