CME: Odom’s Sausage Plant to Close
US - Conagra officially announced on Tuesday what many pork industry observers had expected: It will close the Odom’s sausage plant in Little Rock, Arkansas, write Steve Meyer and Len Steiner.Conagra bought the company in
April and many expected immediately that the branded food giant did so
primarily to get control of Odom’s Tennessee Pride brand name and line
of value-added products. Conagra has exhibited little interest in recent
years in being in the primary animal harvest business, preferring to buy
raw materials from others and using them to make finished fresh and
frozen meat products. They do operate the Abbyland Foods sow harvest plant in Abbotsford, WI and indicated that Odom’s sausage manufacturing business would be moved there. The table on page 2 shows
U.S. sow slaughter plants and their daily capacities as compiled by
Paragon Economics for National Hog Farmer magazine in May 2011.
A Meatingplace story also indicated that Little Rock’s “hog
processing“ will move to Wisconsin. We are not sure if that means
slaughter or not but we doubt that the Wisconsin plant has enough slack
capacity to take up all of Little Rock’s sow numbers. Regardless, the
closure suggests no crisis in sow harvest capacity. As can be seen in
the chart at right, weekly U.S. sow slaughter has run well below even
the four-day capacity of the nation’s sow plants for many years. The
surprise is that there has been no more rationalization of this excess
capacity over time. We believe this “staying power“ is a function of old,
generally depreciated-out plants that require companies to cover only
small levels of fixed costs over variable costs and the fact that the sausage business usually carries good margins associated with longestablished brand names. And some are regional stalwarts. Most DLR
readers do not recognize Wampler’s or J.C. Potter but the ones in Tennessee and Oklahoma, respectively, almost certainly do. The same is
true of many of the other names in the sow plant table.
The other lesson of the chart at top right is that the supply
of sows is a continuing challenge for sausage companies. There
are simply fewer and fewer of these animals available. After the slow
decline of the early ‘80s, sow numbers stabilized through 1995. Note
that the dramatic drop in 1997 was BEFORE the economic bloodletting
that saw cash hogs fall to $8/cwt live in the fall of 1998. The industry
was already consolidating rapidly. Weekly sow slaughter then averaged
about 60,000 head for a decade before dropping again in 2009 as high
feed prices took their toll. Rising productivity (more litters/sow, pigs/
litter, weight/pig) have kept total hog slaughter and pork output growing—but that does nothing to help the supply of raw materials for these
specialized processors of cull breeding animals. We suspect that more
rationalization of sow slaughter capacity is coming.
USDA released it monthly estimates of average meat prices on Tuesday and the data indicate a soft month for pork, beef
and composite broilers. All of those prices were lower for the month
with the decline for composite broilers (2.6%) being the largest and the
fall for Choice beef (0.1%) being the smallest. All of those comparisons
are for September versus August.
Whole broiler prices gained 1.5% to reach a new record high
of $1.455/lb. in September while turkey prices continued their normal
seasonal run-up gaining 2.2% to reach $1.621 per pound.
Pork and turkey prices remain lower than last year by 3.3% and 1.5%,
respectively, while both beef prices were higher with the all-fresh series
up 4.2% versus last September. Broiler prices are the big gainer relative to September 2011, with whole bird values exceeding last year by
12.4% and the composite broiler series gaining 5%, yr/yr to $1.856/lb.
These price data come from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
which computes the Consumer Price Index (CPI) each month. The CPI
for all goods rose to 231.4 (with 1982-1984 =100) in September, 1 point
or .5% higher than last month and 2% higher than one year ago. In a
reversal of recent trends, food prices grew at a slower rate than the CPI
for all items, gaining 1.6% yr/yr. As is suggested above, poultry prices
were the leader among proteins, gaining 4.8%, while meat prices grew
by only 1.6% and dairy prices fell by 2.3%.
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