UK Pork Exports Continue to Rise
UK - UK exports continued to increase into June, with fresh/frozen pork volumes up 26 per cent, to 18.4 thousand tonnes, on the year earlier.Chinese shipments continued to be the main driver behind this growth, with volumes up 81 per cent.
Exports to Ireland were also up 28 per cent, while shipments to Denmark, largely for re-export, increased 30 per cent on June 2015. While smaller in absolute volume, higher value US exports more than doubled.
The value of UK exports increased ahead of volume, up 30 per cent to £45.9million, on June 2015. A growth of shipments to China capitalising on the strong pig price, coupled with increased shipments of higher value cuts to the US, assisted this value growth.
Offal shipments continued to grow, up 11 per cent to 5.9 thousand tonnes, on the year earlier.
Exports to China accounted for over half of the volume, and grew by 11 per cent. Although from a smaller base, shipments to the Philippines almost trebled versus June 2015.
Imports of fresh/frozen pork increased by 29 per cent, to 41 thousand tonnes, versus the same period a year earlier. This was predominantly driven by Danish imports more than doubling. The average unit price of imports was broadly the same as June 2015, with both the UK and EU price recovering after two years of decline. Bacon imports largely stood on last year’s levels, while increases were recorded in sausages, processed meat and offal imports.