Make the switch to heat mats this winter

Heat mats offer incredible energy savings over inefficient, and often dangerous, heat lamps.
calendar icon 26 February 2024
clock icon 1 minute read

Can’t find 100W replacement bulbs for heat lamps in the farrowing house? Switch to Stanfield heat mats and offer a larger footprint of heat at the same wattage or less. No need to rewire the entire barn to accommodate more power-hungry lamps. Simply switch to heat mats this winter and realize energy savings and more profit for your bottom-line year after year.

University studies prove heat mats offer fully comparable – and in some cases improved - performance metrics to heat lamps in the farrowing house. Wean the maximum number of animals with heat mats by creating the optimal microclimate that promotes healthy growth.

Government regulations to improve on-farm energy efficiencies are always changing, but one thing is for certain: energy efficient equipment is part of the future of farming. Heat mats offer incredible energy savings over inefficient, and often dangerous, heat lamps.

Let us help you begin your conversion from power-hungry heat lamps to energy efficient heat mats this winter. Contact Osborne or your nearest Osborne dealer to get started.

Osborne Industries

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