Kansas State University Swine Day 2013
Proceedings of the 2013 Swine Day hosted by Kansas State University.
To view the individual papers, click on the title or on the link at the end.
- Evaluation of the Effects of Added Vitamin D3 in Maternal Diets on Sow and Pig Performance
- Stimulation of Oestrus and Ovulation in Lactating Sows
- Effects of an Altered Suckling Method on Piglet Performance during Late Lactation and the Nursery Period
- Evaluation of Diet Complexity and Benzoic Acid on Growth Performance of Nursery Pigs
- Evaluation of Antibiotics and Benzoic Acid on Growth Performance of Nursery Pigs Evaluation of Dietary Acidifiers on Growth Performance of Nursery Pigs
- Effects of Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein or Hydrolyzed Vegetable and Meat Protein Blend on Nursery Pig Performance from 15 to 40 lb
- Evaluation of Increasing Peptone Blend on Nursery Pig Performance from 15 to 40 lb
- Evaluating the Effects of an Algae-Modified Montmorillonite Clay in Diets Contaminated with Deoxynivalenol on Nursery Pig Growth Performance
- Effects of Non-Starch Polysaccharide Enzymes (Roxazyme G2G and/or Ronozyme VP) on Growth Performance of Nursery Pigs Fed Normal or Drought-Stressed Corn
- Feed Processing Parameters and Their Effects on Nursery Pig Growth Performance
- Effects of Corn Particle Size, Complete Diet Grinding, and Diet Form on 24- to 50-lb Nursery Pig Growth Performance
- Effects of Fine-Grinding Corn or Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles and Diet Form on Growth Performance and Caloric Efficiency of 25- to 50-lb Nursery Pigs
- Effects of Corn Particle Size and Diet Form on Finishing Pig Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics
- Influence of a Superdose of Phytase (Optiphos) on Finishing Pig Performance and Carcass Characteristics
- Effects of High Levels of Phytase (Ronozyme HiPhos) in Low-Lysine Diets on the Growth Performance of Nursery Pigs
- Effects of Super-Dosing Phytase in Diets with Adequate Phosphorus on Finishing Pig Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics
- Effects of Added Zinc in Diets with Ractopamine HCl on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Zinc Concentrations in Plasma, Loin, and Liver of Finishing Pigs
- Effects of Dietary Zinc Level and Ractopamine HCl on Pork Chop Tenderness and Shelf-Life Characteristics
- Effects of Added Zinc and Copper on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Finishing Pigs fed Ractopamine HCl
- Effects of Copper Source (Intellibond C or Copper Sulphate) on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Pen Cleanliness, and Economics in Finishing Pigs
- Influence of Copper Sulphate and Tribasic Copper Chloride on Feed Intake Preference in Finishing Pigs
- Effects of Dietary Byproduct Feeding Withdrawal prior to Market on Finishing Pig Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Carcass Fat Quality, Intestinal Weights, and Economics III
- Effects of Withdrawing High-Fibre Ingredients Prior to Market on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Economics in Commercial Finishing Pigs
- Effects of Low-, Medium-, and High-Oil Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Fat Quality in Finishing Pigs
- Regression Analysis to Predict Growth Performance from Dietary Net Energy in Growing-Finishing Pigs
- Amino Acid Digestibility and Energy Concentration of Fermented Soybean Meal and Camelina Meal for Swine
- Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulphide Emissions from Swine Production Facilities in North America: a Meta-Analysis
Updated February 2014