Preparing an Odor Management Plan and Setback Estimation Tool

By University of Minnesota Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering - Minnesota Rules Relating to Animal Feedlots and Storage, Transportation, and Utilization of Animal Manure, Chapter 7020.0505 Subpart 4 B, requires feedlots with 1,000 animal units or more to submit an air emission plan.
calendar icon 6 December 2001
clock icon 4 minute read
This plan must include:
  • methods and practices that will be used to minimize air emissions resulting from animal feedlot or manure storage area operations including manure storage area start-up practices, loading, and manure removal;
  • measures to be used to mitigate air emission in the event of exceedance of the state ambient hydrogen sulfide standard; and
  • a complaint response protocol describing the procedures the owner will use to respond to complaints directed at the facility including a list of each potential odor source at the facility, a determination of the odor sources most likely to generate significant amounts of odors, and a list of anticipated odor control strategies for addressing each of the significant odor sources.
This air emissions plan must address odor specifically but may also include dust and specific gases such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Although this air emission plan is only required for those sites over 1,000 animal units, all feedlots should consider writing such a plan. An odor management plan helps avoid nuisance odor conflicts and shows the intent to be a good neighbor. This publication presents information on preparing odor management plans for farms of any size.

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The following associated publication is also available from the same source:

OFFSET: Odor From Feedlots Setback Estimation Tool

By Larry Jacobson, David Schmidt, and Susan Wood, University of Minnesota Extension Service When discussing odor problems related to animal agriculture, the following questions often arise:
  • How far does odor travel?
  • Are animal numbers or animal species accurate predictors of nuisance odors?
  • How much odor control is needed to solve an odor problem from an existing facility?
  • Can the odor impact from a new facility be predicted?
Answers to these questions are as varied as the people having the discussion. Until now, scientific methods to predict odor impacts did not exist. This publication discusses a new tool that has been developed at the University of Minnesota to answer some of these questions. The tool, "Odor From Feedlots Setback Estimation Tool" (OFFSET), is the result of four years of extensive data collection and field testing. It is a simple tool designed to help answer the most basic questions about odor impacts from livestock and poultry facilities.

OFFSET is designed to estimate average odor impacts from a variety of animal facilities and manure storages. These estimations are useful for rural land use planners, farmers, or citizens concerned about the odor impact of existing, expanding, or new animal production sites. OFFSET is based on odor measurements from Minnesota farms and Minnesota climatic conditions. As such, the use of OFFSET for estimating odor impacts in other geographic areas should be done with caution and through consultation with the authors of this publication.

To read this publication Click Here

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