Staff Training

Tips on efficient training solutions are offered in this Farm Case Study from BPEX.
calendar icon 16 November 2010
clock icon 3 minute read

Farm facts

Name: Rupert Brewer
Location: Bagnum Farm, Ringwood, Hampshire
Farm Size and enterprise: 1,200-sow outdoor multiplication unit


  • Practical training on-farm
  • Little disturbance to the working day while still providing training
  • Efficient knowledge transfer to a team of staff
  • Training one step ahead of the production cycle means that new knowledge/skills can be put straight into practice

The system

At the Salisbury Pig Club Rupert asked if BPEX was doing any farrowing workshops as he had three inexperienced members of staff. Helen Thoday, BPEX KT Manager, explained that three people would be a good number for on-farm training. By the time the training was arranged, the unit’s weekend worker, who was attending Sparsholt College, had also joined the group.

The first training session looked at the farrowing process for both piglet and sow and why the management of the paddocks, huts and daily inspections are critical for success. In the second session, Rupert took his staff through the practicalities of strawing up and hut maintenance.

Key to Success

"This split session of half indoor and half practical was exactly what was needed and we now know we can carry it out in other locations if needed."
Terry Ledbury, Fawley Farms
Production Manager

  • Short, practical sessions maintain interest
  • Training was relevant to staff
  • New knowledge and skills were implemented immediately
  • Small group size leant itself to on-farm training.


The staff working at Bagnum Farm came from different backgrounds, with only one having experience of working with pigs.

It was, therefore, important for Rupert to get staff up to speed as quickly as possible. Training started well, with the long summer days and fewer pigs on the ground but as the unit got busier and winter approached, the training schedule needed to change.

November 2010
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