UK Pig Disease Monthly Surveillance Report (to April 2005)

By Veterinary Laboratories Agency - This report monitors trends in the major endemic pig diseases and utilises the farmfile and VIDA (Veterinary Investigation Disease Analysis) databases. The report is compiled using disease data gathered by the network of 15 VLA regional laboratories which carry out disease investigation in the field.
calendar icon 27 June 2005
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Monthly Surveillance Report
April 2005 - Published June 2005


Late onset mortality in growing pigs associated with PMWS and PRRSV


Enteric diseases: Colibacillosis

Ill thrift and diarrhoea affecting five to six-week-old piglets with the death of 15 of 450 was the clinical history of a case investigated by Bury. Pigs were reared outdoors in tents with straw bedding. Only one of the four pigs submitted was actually scouring, and from this Escherichia coli G4/66 (serotype 045:K’E65’ K88ac) was isolated in profuse and predominant growth, consistent with enteric colibacillosis.

In the three pigs, which were not scouring, there was cranioventral consolidation of all lung lobes and emphysema in dorsal diaphragmatic lobes. Haemophilus parasuis was isolated from one of these and Klebsiella pneumoniae from another. There was no evidence of PMWS.

In another investigation enteric colibacillosis was the cause of wasting and scour in all of 32 five to six-week-old housed weaners with two deaths on a small 60-sow indoor breeder finisher unit. One dead pig was submitted in poor body condition showing mild diphtheresis of the colonic mucosa, and E.coli Abbotstown (serotype O149: K91, K88ac) was isolated.

Respiratory Diseases: PRRS

Bury investigated a case where porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection together with Pasteurella multocida was strongly suspected to be the main cause of mortality in finisher pigs on an indoor all-in all-out specialist unit. Pigs came from a reportedly PRRSV-free breeding herd, however the unit previously housed a batch of multisourced pigs.

The turnaround time between batches was two weeks and there was no cleaning and disinfection, in addition the staff attend another multisource finishing unit. Severe chronic bronchointerstitial pneumonias were identified in six pigs. Although mortality did not escalate until pigs were 16 to 18-weeks old, there was a trickle of mortality from 11 to 13- weeks old and the number of pigs subsequently injected with antibiotics increased. This and laboratory findings indicated that disease began several weeks before the main mortality was reported.


PMWS was the underlying problem in three disease outbreaks investigated by Langford. In the first there was an increasing problem of ill thrift and death affecting young growing pigs at approximately ten-weeks old. Salmonella typhimurium PT 193 and Pasteurella multocida were isolated from enteric and respiratory lesions.

In another incident, cases of wasting and death were starting to increase on an organic breeder-finishing unit. PMWS had been diagnosed on this unit at least two-years previously. However following management changes together with PRRS and EP vaccination total mortality levels from birth to finishing had been kept below 8%.

P. Multocida and Strep. Suis. suis type 3 were associated with respiratory lesions and porcine proliferative enteropathy and enteric sprochaetosis were associated with alimentary lesions. The final case involved “fading“ in pigs at 8 to 14 weeks. In two animals examined, one had chronic pneumonia and the other spirochaetal diarrhoea due to Brachyspira intermedia, as well as underlying PMWS.

Greasy Pig Disease

Approximately half the piglets in each of three gilt litters in a 500-sow indoor herd showed skin lesions that prompted the submission of two live two-weekold affected piglets. Circular brown dry scabs and coalescing multifocal brown exudative scabs were visible on the ventral abdomen, face, ears and distal parts of limbs. There were also erosions on the anterior aspects of carpal and fetlock joints suggestive of floor trauma. Staphylococcus hyicus was isolated from the skin and superficial lymph nodes confirming greasy pig disease. Mange mites, poxvirus and PRRS virus were not identified as predisposing factors.

To read the full report please click here (PDF)

Source: Veterinary Laboratories Agency - June 2005

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