Prairie Swine Centre Annual Report 2009
The annual report from the Prairie Swine Research Centre in Canada.Click on the links to the articles below to see the full papers.
- Evaluation of methods for controlling and monitoring occupational exposure of workers in swine facilities
- Application of computer simulation to evaluate potential measures for improving energy efficiency in hog production
- Comparison of performance of radiant and forced-air convection heaters in swine grow-finish rooms

- The interaction of group size and alley width on the movement of market pigs
- Free space utilization by sows in free access stalls
- Effects of transport conditions and vehicle design on the welfare and meat quality of pigs in Western and Eastern Canada
- Impact of feeding diets containing extruded flaxseed meal and vitamin E in finishing swine
- The effect on growing pig performance of changes in energy intake achieved through restriction of feed intake versus changes in dietary energy concentration
- Enriching pork products with omega-3 fatty acids may affect pork quality
- Effect of an NSP-hydrolysing enzyme (Rovabio Excel® in the diet of lactating sows on feed intake, body condition and litter performance and in vivo and in vitro nutrient digestibility
- In vitro fibre fermentation characteristics of specialty ingredients with varying non-starch polysaccharides levels
- The effect of different feed ingredients on fermentation metabolites and nitrogen excretion in pigs